Almost 9 years ago I married my best friend!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My blogging glitch

So I have pinpointed my problem in why I can't keep this blog up to date. It is not for lack of time. I get on here EVERY day to see if there are any new comments. It has become part of my just got home need to de-stress routine when I get home from work. Along with checking my MySpace and seeing if anyone else has posted any new blogs.

It is simply because I CANNOT find the cord that connects my camera to my computer. To get any of my pictures onto my computer I have to first go to CostCo to download them, then go BACK to pick up the disk, only to come home and put them on the computer. I have decided that this over complicated process can be no longer. I am going to attempt to go to Best Buy tomorrow to see if I can find a USB cord to fit my Kodak and then asses whether it is in my budget or not. I am really hoping it is so. I would love to be able to stop paying to have my pictures put on a CD and just burn them myself and spare me the ever valuable time spent on my endless trips to CostCo.

Hope my effect pays off, we will see tomorrow. Love you all. Have a wonderful holiday tomorrow. And be sure to leave a comment. I need to be constantly reassured that I am not maintaining this blog in vain. I promise I am only semi high maintenance. And rest assured I do not hesitate to reciprocate.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Creative Celebrations Pricing

Creative Celebrations
Making your
memories last a lifetime!


$30 for the first song
$10 for each additional song.

*Average 25 pictures per song. (can be more or less depending on song length and length of photo viewing time)
*Songs can be chosen by the purchaser or we can choose songs for you.

Other Services:
*Additional DVD of the same slide show $3 each.
*If pictures are not in digital format and need to be in scanned into the computer that will be .75 cents per picture fee.

Reasons you NEED a slide show:
Slide shows can be made for any occasion! Here is a list of just a few reasons to create a slide show....

*Birthday Parties-show off how much your child (or husband)
has grown over the past year.
*Weddings-put all of your pictures together in one slide show-makes a great gift for your guests too, send them out with your Thank You cards!!

*Events i.e. Relay for life, sports tournaments, plays, etc.

*Birth of a new child-a great way to put all of those pictures in one place and show off the new bundle of joy.

*Funerals-slide shows help to celebrate the deceased life.

*School end of the year parties-what a great teacher gift too!

*Mother's Day gifts

*Father's Day gifts

*Grandparents gifts

*The list goes on and on!!!

Creative Celebrations works in conjunction with Forever Timeless Photos. Ask about getting your entire photo shoot made into a slide show.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I've been pondering......

I have made a few slide shows for various occasions (sadly-mostly funerals). One of my besties, Rachelle, got me started on them. I would really like to start turning this hobby into a business and make them for more joyous occasions. I have already been contemplating and scheming for a slide show for Dustin's 30th birthday party and he is only going to be turning 28 next month. But after being up until 3 AM blogging last night I am in a very creative mood and was running business names through my head. So I am thinking, drum roll please....................Creative Creations........slogan.............making your memories last a lifetime. Since I am looking into doing digital scrap booking and may incorporate that in somehow too I don't want slides or slide show to be in the name. If you like Creative Creations or don't like it let me know. If you have any other suggestions let me know as well. There is a poll to the right with other possibilities. Vote for your favorite.

My Best Friend's Wedding

A week ago today I was driving as fast as I could get away with, in order to get to Vanessa and Gary's wedding. It was well worth the rush and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It was a beautiful ceremony. I was so proud to see her so happy. Below are just a few of the pictures.

Disney World

So as most of you know we went to Disney World last month. So this post has been a long time coming!! We had a blast!! I can't wait to go back already. The weather was hot at times but more than bearable. JayDee's favorite ride was Fast Track at Epcot, and it was a very cool ride. I don't think Taylor's changed from here to FL, I believe she is sticking with Soarin'. I think Dustin and I are Rockin' Roller Coaster converts. We rode it with Mary while everyone else waited, boy did they miss out. I have never been on a cooler coaster in my life. Jayden is our little dare devil and wasn't scared of a thing. He would cry if he wasn't tall enough for a ride and say "but I AM big not Mommy". Taylor is not quite so brave but she tries her best, bless her heart. I couldn't help but laugh when we were on Tower of Terror (which she has rode at CA Adventure before) and she looked over at me and said with the utmost conviction "GET ME OFF THIS THING!!" When all said and done she said it wasn't that bad but it will be years before we get her back on it.

Our most pleasant surprise was the water parks. I had no clue how much fun they could be. So much fun I even forgot I was wearing a bathing suit in front of thousands of people. We have decided that we will be visiting the more local water slides soon and often. At the water parks neither of the kids showed any fear. Even when I was shaking in my flip flops they were running to the front of the line. Our sister for life, Michelle Portell, was able to come meet us for a day. She had just moved to FL, in fact her car had only arrived the day before. We had a wonderful time with her and can't wait until our next visit.

Our trip home was another story. After many delays our flights were canceled and we spent the night on the AirPort floor and took off the next morning.....oh but the good news doesn't stop there. They could not get us to LA where our car and luggage were. The closest they could get us was Vegas and we had to got to LA ourselves to gather our things.

Below are just a few pictures. We had two cameras between Dustin and I. Mom and Mary both had their's too. I only have one on CD and in the computer so far. So here are a few of them. I will try to post more later.


The Castle, spooky but a cool picture none the less.

The Current fave

My all time fav

And where we spent countless hours of our vaca

LeAnn, waiting for the above

Uncle Jeff, doing the same

My two boys. They are the best.
Aunt Mary, & getting a picture of her isn't easy.
(see Dustin back there? we had to trap her)

Boy was it hot, and isn't he such a little man!

Momma you ha't to be 'dis tall

Daddy carrying his sleepy babies

Breezy and Taylor
Nana & Papa
Michelle & Dustin
Taylor, JayDee, & Dustin

Bad News :(

I wanted to let everyone know, and this was the easiest was without repeating myself over and over. We are not going to be getting the house. It just wasn't meant to be. God has other plans and hopefully I can figure them out soon because it stinks to be let down. I am trying to stay positive but it's not easy. There are a lot of what ifs playing out in my head and well that doesn't help anything. So please pray that I can put on my big girl panties and get over it. But for now I am heart broken......